Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124



Install Ruby 2.6- CentOS 7.6

Ruby programming language

Ruby language is open source, it is simple and focuses on productivity while at the same time has an elegant syntax that is easy to read and understand. We’ll be installing the latest version released in April 2019, version 2.6.…

Install ImageMagick 7.0.4 from source- CentOS 7.3

We recently needed the latest build of ImageMagick on one of our servers for PSD preview generation on OwnCloud. ImageMagick version 6, which ships with the base repo of CentOS 7 is broken and doesn’t generate PSD previews. Downloading rpm’s…

404 on Preview – WordPress & Varnish

Varnish and Wordpress

I’ve recently moved a number of properties to a server running Apache 2.4, PHP FPM 5.4, MariaDB 10. & Varnish 4.0. The gain in performance is phenomenal. Varnish does wonders to speed up your property. One issue reported was that…

Check MySQL / MariaDB table for Primary Key

check mysql / mariadb table for primary key

It is pretty straightforward to check a MySQL / MariaDB table for a Primary Key, connect to the db server, login or open up your favorite MySQL client. Without selecting any table, issue the following command: SHOW INDEXES FROM <TABLE>…

Install Node v6.9.1 on CentOS 7.2

Install Node 6.9.1 on CentOS 7.2

Node, built on the Chrome JavaScript runtime, enables you to build scalable and fast network applications. To install it is pretty straight forward, start off by installing the Development Tools group from CentOS: yum groupinstall “Development Tools” Now add the Node…

Install Odoo 10 – CentOS 7.2

We’ve done guides on installing Odoo 8 and Odoo 9 on CentOS 7, it’s now time to install the latest version of Odoo, version 10, on CentOS 7.2 As always, we’ll start off with a fresh installation of CentOS 7.2.…