Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Has an SSH connection taken too long to return the password prompt? There are two possible fixes to it. There are two possible ways to fix this, First, disable Reverse DNS lookups on SSH connections on the target machine. Edit…
Ran into this rather peculiar error recently while installing Varnish Cache on CentOS 7. Resolving Dependencies –> Running transaction check —> Package varnish-devel.x86_64 0:5.2.1-1.el6 will be installed –> Processing Dependency: varnish = 5.2.1-1.el6 for package: varnish-devel-5.2. 1-1.el6.x86_64 –> Running transaction…
This tutorial will cover how to mount an NTFS drive on CentOS 7. We’ll use the open-source version of the NTFS for Linux driver by Tuxera, NTFS-3G. The Prerequisites To mount an NTFS drive, start off by adding the remi-release…
We’ll look at installing and configuring ZFS on CentOS 7.6 today. Why ZFS? “It is an enterprise-ready open source file system and volume manager with unprecedented flexibility and an uncompromising commitment to data integrity. ZFS is a truly next-generation file…
Composer lets you manage PHP package dependencies on a per-project basis. You install Composer like so: sudo curl -sS | php Moved it to the suggested location: mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer Still got “composer: command not found” when verifying the install?…
Running a headless (terminal only) server is great and all but sometimes a GUI helps. We’ll be installing GNOME 3.28 on CentOS 7.4. This comes really handy when you want to remotely administer a server and keep the bloat to an…
With the EOL of the free tier of NewRelic’s Server monitoring service, we tried going commando for a while, meaning no server monitoring. We know bad – bad, idea. NewRelics Server monitoring service was great but the free tier came…
On of our server providers was running a deal on servers equipped with the newly released AMD Ryzen CPUs. We got a couple to test them for future placements. Right off the bat we started experiencing issues with them, the…
Got this while trying to compile nginx from source. ./configure: error: the Google perftools module requires the Google perftools Issue the following at shell to fix this: yum install gperftools-devel