Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Mod Security isn’t ready for NGINX yet, even though the ModSec website says a stable version for NGINX is available it still lacks important features. Because of this I’ve had to stick to Apache, but why not then make use if PHP-FPM. PHP-FPM, if configured accordingly, allows you to setup account specific limits.
To get this done start by install the epel-release repo:
yum install epel-release
Install Apache 2.4 and for good measure, install the devel package as well.
yum install httpd httpd-devel
Next up install php-fpm. Note: Previously you needed to install mod_fastcgi but since Apache 2.4 we use mod_proxy_fcgi
Starting from release 5.3.3 in early 2010, PHP has merged the php-fpm fastCGI process manager into its codebase, and it is now (as of 5.4.1) quite stable. php-fpm was previously found at This means that we can now run secure, fast, and dependable PHP code using only the stock apache httpd and releases; no more messing around with suphp or suexec - or, indeed, mod_php. Source:
yum install php-fpm
Enable Apache and PHP-FPM to start at startup
chkconfig httpd on chkconfig php-fpm on
Start both services:
service httpd start service php-fpm start
As of now, you’ve installed both Apache 2.4 and PHP-FPM but Apache doesn’t know how to call PHP-FPM, let’s do that below:
Create two folders inside /etc/httpd/
/etc/httpd/sites-available /etc/httpd/sites-enabled
Create a file inside /etc/httpd/sites-available named
# File: /etc/httpd/sites-available/ <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName ServerAlias DocumentRoot /var/www/vhosts/ ErrorLog /var/www/vhosts/ CustomLog /var/www/vhosts/ combined <FilesMatch \.php$> SetHandler "proxy:unix:/var/run/php-fpm/|fcgi://" </FilesMatch> <Proxy fcgi://> ProxySet connectiontimeout=5 timeout=240 </Proxy> <Directory "/var/www/vhosts/"> Order allow,deny Allow from all AllowOverride FileInfo All # New directive needed in Apache 2.4.3: Require all granted </Directory> </VirtualHost>
Create the required folders
mkdir /var/www/vhosts/ mkdir /var/www/vhosts/ mkdir /var/www/vhosts/
Create a symlink of this file to /etc/httpd/sites-enabled
ln -s /etc/httpd/sites-available/ /etc/httpd/sites-enabled/
Configure Apache to read the conf files from the /etc/httpd/sites-enabled folder. Add the following line at the end of /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
IncludeOptional sites-enabled/*.conf
Now, navigate to /etc/php-fpm.d and either duplicate the www.conf or create a new file and add the following to it
; Start a new pool named 'www'. [] listen = /var/run/php-fpm/ listen.allowed_clients = user = group = listen.mode = 0660 pm = dynamic pm.max_children = 50 pm.start_servers = 5 pm.min_spare_servers = 5 pm.max_spare_servers = 35 php_admin_value[error_log] = /var/www/vhosts/ php_admin_flag[log_errors] = on php_value[session.save_handler] = files php_value[session.save_path] = /var/lib/php/session
Now add a user to the system
useradd -d /var/www/vhosts/
The user in this case is Issue the following to change ownership of it’s home directory and give it to the user
chown -R /var/www/vhosts/
Make sure the folder permissions are set to 0755 and file permissions to 0644. With the setup above, you won’t need to set the permission 777 to files and folders to write to them.
Restart Apache and PHP-FPM
service httpd restart service php-fpm restart
Throw a file in /var/www/vhosts/ to verify things work
# File test.php <?php phpinfo(); ?>
If everything goes fine, you should something like below