Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Our starting point is a 64-bit, fresh CentOS 7 (minimal ) machine.
Get your machine up to date before proceeding:
yum update -y
We’ll start by installing PostgreSQL
yum install postgresql postgresql-server postgresql-libs
Since this is the first time installing PostgreSQL, we’ll need to initialize the server.
postgresql-setup initdb
You should see the following which confirms success
Initializing database ... OK
Start PostgreSQL
systemctl start postgresql
Add PostgreSQL to startup
systemctl enable postgresql
We’ll need to change the password of the default user to secure things.
Move into the PostgreSQL user:
su - postgres
The shell prompt should change and you should now see something like the following:
Log into PostgreSQL, issue the following at shell:
To change the password:
\password postgres
Now, head back to root
\q exit
Install the Epel Repo:
yum install epel-release
Add the Odoo 8 repo to CentOS at /etc/yum.repos.d/odoo.repo
[odoo-nightly] name=Odoo Nightly repository baseurl= enabled=1 gpgcheck=1 gpgkey=
Install Odoo
yum install odoo
Edit the configuration file at /etc/odoo/openerp-server.conf, uncomment and set the admin_passwd with the password you set for the user postgres above
To print PDF reports you’ll need to install wkhtmltopdf, and to install wkhtmltopdf you’ll need to install the following dependencies
yum install libX11 libXext libpng fontconfig xorg-x11-fonts-Type1 xorg-x11-fonts-75dpi libXrender
You’ll now need to download the appropriate version of wkhtmltopdf from In this case it was:
wget rpm -ivh /PATH/wkhtmltox-
Start Odoo
systemctl start odoo
Add Odoo to startup
systemctl enable odoo
Now we need to open the port Odoo uses:
firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=8069/tcp --permanent firewall-cmd --reload
Change PostgreSQL character encoding to UTF-8
su - postgres psql update pg_database set encoding = 6, datcollate = 'en_US.UTF8', datctype = 'en_US.UTF8' where datname = 'template0'; update pg_database set encoding = 6, datcollate = 'en_US.UTF8', datctype = 'en_US.UTF8' where datname = 'template1'; \q exit
Restart PostgreSQL
systemctl restart postgresql
You should now be able to access the installation by pointing your browser to http://SERVER-IP:8069