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Tag centos

How to install NTP client – CentOS 8

centos logo

Today we’ll look at how to install an NTP, chrony, client on CentOS 8. Issue the following to install the NTP client, chrony dnf install chrony Start the service by issuing the following: service chronyd start Start chrony on boot…

killall: command not found

We’ll be looking at how to install the Linux command killall in this article. Killall send’s a signal to, if not explicitly specified, terminate all the processes with the given name. CentOS used to ship with killall out of the…

Install cPanel / WHM on CentOS 7.7

cpanel whm logo

Today we’ll install cPanel or WHM on CentOS 7.7 cPanel is the most popular control panel in the shared hosting space. It is so widely used that it is the defacto control panel in the industry, Plesk comes in close…

Create new database in MongoDB

MongoDB Logo

Today we’ll look at how to create a new database in MongoDB. Connect to mongod via the following line, replace your credentials mongo -u ‘username’ -p ‘password’ –authenticationDatabase ‘admin’ If you’re successfully authenticated then you’ll see the following prompt: To…

Requires: / CentOS 7

centos logo

Ran into this rather peculiar error recently while installing Varnish Cache on CentOS 7. Resolving Dependencies –> Running transaction check —> Package varnish-devel.x86_64 0:5.2.1-1.el6 will be installed –> Processing Dependency: varnish = 5.2.1-1.el6 for package: varnish-devel-5.2. 1-1.el6.x86_64 –> Running transaction…

530 Login incorrect – ProFTPD

Proftpd Server

We updated an old server recently and the ProFTP server  started throwing this error “530 Login incorrect” and wouldn’t let us in. We looked at the usual culprits, reset passwords, verified directories but nothing seemed to work. We ran ProFTPD…