Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
CentOS is really slow to update versions of software’s it maintains so we’ll have to add an external repo to install PHP 5.6 on our server. Make sure you backup everything on your server. Start off by removing any previous…
About MariaDB MariaDB one of the most popular and an enhanced drop-in replacements for MySQL. It was created and is maintained by the original developers of MySQL. MariaDB is very interesting because if is fast, scalable and more robust than MySQL.…
Installing Varnish on CentOS 7.2 is pretty straight forward, start off by adding the epel-release repo. yum install epel-release With the repo added install Varnish yum install varnish Start Varnish service varnish start Start Varnish at startup chkconfig varnish on…
I was just setting up a new VPS when I hit this snag, the server threw the following error when I tried to start the LFD service Job for lfd.service failed because a fatal signal was delivered to the control…